Since our founding, our proud history speaks for itself through consistently high achievement and leadership on campus. While many of our Pi Kappa Alpha Brothers have gone on to successful and distinguished careers in business, law, medicine, and countless other endeavors, the common bond of our Brotherhood remains: our shared principles and values. Most of us can trace the roots of our success to one place — Pi Kappa Alpha.
Today the undergraduate men of Beta Phi Chapter continue to recruit young men that are dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect, and high moral character and to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience.
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Candlelight Newsletter
Annual Support
Our need for your annual donations is present. The contributions received from our biannual appeals will be used in several ways:
- To provide funds for Chapter House educational facilities, equipment and fixtures, and for future needs in educational technologies.
- To provide scholarships and grants to deserving members to encourage continuing leadership development opportunities on campus and through Pi Kappa Alpha nationally and the local Chapter.
- To provide funds for our ongoing alumni relations program.
- To support our undergraduate tutoring programs.
We hope that through Beta Phi’s alumni relations program your fraternal bonds continue to be renewed and strengthened. We are very proud of what has been accomplished and hope each of you has the opportunity to visit the Chapter House, meet the active members, and see for yourself what you are helping to achieve.
Only you can put a value on your fraternity experience—the fellowship and friendship enjoyed in your undergraduate days, and the enduring pride of being associated with a group whose mark has meant excellence in the classroom, campus leadership, and so many other ways. We all have commitments and obligations to family, church, and community, but isn’t that part of what our PIKE experience taught us?
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