Donate Now

Without your tremendous support, we would not be a Smythe Chapter. With continued support, our goal is to have enough money in our investment portfolio so that our annual budget can be self-funded. By creating that kind of financial stability, it allows us to expand all the programs mentioned and add more programs.
If you are interested in more details, we welcome your questions. We encourage you to spend some time with the Foundation during one of our meetings. Everything is on the table, discussed and scrutinized so we can be the best possible stewards of your contributions.
When you donate, you can identify exactly where you want your money to go, to leadership or the general operating fund. I know that many of you who have watched our progress over the last 15–20 years have seen the tremendous improvements in all areas of Beta Phi. We ask that you keep our goals and objectives in mind when you think about your yearly donations. Call me or any of the members on the foundation board with any financial questions.
Once a Pike, Always a Pike.
Sincerely in φφκα,
Bill Kinder ’95
President, Beta Phi Foundation
(260) 740-2426